A stylish bouquet of white roses and seasonal greens. The wrap of the bouquet is cleverly chosen to emphasize the beauty and tenderness of the roses and the overall arrangement of the bouquet makes it a wonderful gift for the upcoming holidays.
Product contents: 11x White rose 60cm 2x Christmas greenery
The most ordered bouquet in our flower shops! Beautiful, original and suitable for any occasion, this bouquet of roses will help you to express a variety of emotions - gratitude, empathy, joy, happiness and of course, love.
Delicate, tender bouquet, combined the tenderness and purity of flowers – charming dance of delicate white lilies and delicate pink roses, wrapped in greenery, gypsophila and suitable for this bouquet wrapping paper.
Glamorous gift for the beloved one - bouquet of red roses and greenery, tied with a ribbon, a Teddy Bear (about 30 cm) and luxury Ferrero Rocher chocolates.