Delicate, tender bouquet, combined the tenderness and purity of flowers – charming dance of delicate white lilies and delicate pink roses, wrapped in greenery, gypsophila and suitable for this bouquet wrapping paper.
Beautiful basket, arranged with white flowers and greenery, decorated with white bow - a perfect gift for anniversaries, wedding days or a new born baby.
Exquisite bouquet of mixed flowers in white hues - roses, gerberas, chrysanthemums and greenery, perfectly complemented by dry and ornamental elements - pearls, butterfly and ladybug.
A delicate, elegant bouquet of various flowers, suitable for the wedding day of close friends or relatives, for an important anniversary or as a compliment to the beloved woman.
Delicate, tender bouquet, combined the tenderness and purity of flowers – charming dance of delicate white lilies and delicate pink roses, wrapped in greenery, gypsophila and suitable for this bouquet wrapping paper.