Pink and white

Send bouquet of pink roses and lily to Sofia
$53.13 $55.81


4.91 average

54 reviews

Delicate, tender bouquet, combined the tenderness and purity of flowers – charming dance of delicate white lilies and delicate pink roses, wrapped in greenery, gypsophila and suitable for this bouquet wrapping paper.

This bouquet can be safely presented as a token of love, as a symbol of gratitude or just like a gift with wishes for happiness and eternal goodness. Do not forget to add a bottle of sparkling wine as a guarantee to achieve the full effect.

Product contents:
7x Pink rose 60cm
1x White lily
1x Gypsophila (Baby's Breath)
1x Wrap and greenery

What our customers say about Pink and white


Супер бърза доставка, поръчана днес и доставена няколко часа по-късно! Дори от чужбина! Доставеният букет цветя изглежда 99% както е показано! До следващия път. Благодаря!

Fanka S., 25.05.2024.
Send Flowers to Plovdiv


Delivery was fast and the delivery person was cheerful and very professional. Keep up this great service and we will always order from you, from now on.

V E, 28.04.2024.
Send Flowers to Sofia


Впечатлена съм от професионализма на обслужване!

Elly S., 02.02.2024.
Send Flowers to Sofia


Благодаря,супер сте. Всичко точно и на време доставено. Препоръчвам ви като сигурни доставчици

Атанас Ф., 18.03.2023.
Send Flowers to Plovdiv


Благодаря за прекрасният букет и бонбони! Любимата ни майка беше приятно изненадана и очарована!

Мария Ф., 13.02.2023.
Send Flowers to Plovdiv


Smiley and happy delivery driver. Lovely flowers, have this service many times before and will continue to do so. Prompt delivery. Thank you

Aurora P., 28.04.2022.
Send Flowers to Sofia


Brilliant service, same-day delivery, all great. Very satisfied

Veronika V., 10.02.2022.
Send Flowers to Sofia


Благодаря за надеждната и бърза доставка! Поръчката през сайта беше много лесна 0 професионалисти!

Милена Г., 30.01.2022.
Send Flowers to Blagoevgrad


Great bouquet, friendly and smiling delivery man

Emmanuel S., 25.08.2021.
Send Flowers to Sofia


Благодаря за доброто обслужване! Рожденичката беше много доволна от изненадата.

Лидия М., 16.11.2020.
Send Flowers to Burgas

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