Bouquet in pink and white

Send bouquet in pink and white to Sofia


5.00 average

7 reviews

Loving bouquet of mixed flowers in pink and white hues - pink spray roses, white and pink chrysanthemums, wrapped in gift paper.

Product contents:
5x White chrysanthemum
1x Pink chrysanthemum
4x Spray rose
1x Wrap and greenery

What our customers say about Bouquet in pink and white


Excellent service!

Janet P., 22.05.2021.
Send Flowers to Burgas


Amazing service from the beginning until the end! The website is super easy to use with many options to make it personal, delivery was smooth and kind, the bouqet of chosen flowers looked exactly as advertised, beautiful. The receipent was extremely happy, thank you for the amazing service! Highly recommended

Oliver U., 20.05.2021.
Send Flowers to Sofia


Thank you for delivering during the pandemic. It made my grandmother so happy on her birthday! The hand written card was such a nice gesture. The flowers looked even more gorgeous in person. I will be buying from you again for sure!

Stephanie T., 17.04.2020.
Send Flowers to Sofia


Изпълнението на поръчката беше перфектно.Доставката точна и изненада за рожденичката пълна.Благодаря!

Гергана М., 21.01.2020.
Send Flowers to Ruse


Всичко бе много точно и професионално. Страхотен бил букета;)

Мирослав К., 15.11.2019.
Send Flowers to Pleven

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