Bouquet of pink roses

Send bouquet of pink roses by courier to Sofia.


4.95 average

10 reviews

Delicate pink roses, perfect gift for all occasions and recipients.

You can choose the number of the roses in the bouquet - from the options on the right side of the picture. The minimum stems for the order are 5 pink roses and the price is for 5 stems of roses.
Also you can choose how to arrange the bouquet - with a ribbon, with greenery and with wrapping and greenery.

Product contents:
5x Pink rose 60cm

What our customers say about Bouquet of pink roses


Delighted with the order well done !)

Edvins R., 08.01.2021.
Send Flowers to Sofia


quality of delivery on time

Ivo S., 12.12.2017.
Send Flowers to Sofia

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